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Characterisation of special events in new power quality regulation frameworks

J. Cimadevila, J. Rivier

3rd Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion - MED POWER 2002, Atenas (Grecia). 04-06 noviembre 2002

During the last decade, electricity sector restructuring has been taking place all over the world. Regulation of the distribution is evolving to performance-based ratemaking (PBR) schemes, which incentive efficiency and cost reduction. They shall incorporate power quality control mechanisms, in order to avoid a progressive degradation of power quality due to cost-reduction incentives. When an interruption affects to a large number of clients, or a few but during too much time, it can be called a special event. This kind of events has a very low probability. In this paper, a clear and simple method is proposed in order to characterise special events and impose deterrent penalisations to utilities in the case they take place. It may send adequate economic signals to utilities, in order to incentive investment to avoid special events. The method is consistent with PBR regulatory schemes and can be easily implemented on them.

Palabras clave: Distribution, power quality, performance-based ratemaking, reliability.

Fecha de publicación: 2002-11-04.

J. Cimadevila, J. Rivier, Characterisation of special events in new power quality regulation frameworks, 3rd Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion - MED POWER 2002, Atenas (Grecia). 04-06 noviembre 2002.

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